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Blackjack Chart: Learn Perfect Basic Strategy Blackjack

Vlad Mihalache
Written by Vlad Mihalache
This guide is suitable for advanced players. Advanced Percentage of users that found this guide helpful. 95% Estimated reading time based on the average reading speed. 15 Min
Blackjack Chart: Learn Perfect Basic Strategy Blackjack

The blackjack strategy chart effectively lowers the house advantage up to 0.5% over time and gets more consistent wins. 

Many players often refer to this strategy as optimal play. Why?

What will you find on this page:

Even though the blackjack basic strategy cannot guarantee you will win all the time, it will help you maximize your profits in the long run.

In fact, without using the strategy chart, you will play with a house edge up to 8%, which isn´t too advantageous. By simply applying the basic blackjack chart, you can reduce the house advantage by up to 7.5%.


Suppose you start your blackjack session with $1000. Over time, not using the optimal play strategy will result in an expected loss of $80, while the strategy chart can minimize your losses to as little as $5.

So if you want to learn how to get the maximum profit at the blackjack table, you will love our simple, actionable guide.

Let´s dive right in. 

Blackjack Strategy Chart - 5 Tips for Newcomers

Before you start the process of memorizing any blackjack chart, there are a few things that you need to consider:

It’s called “Perfect Blackjack Strategy” for a reason 

Always make your decisions based on the strategy. 

The only reason not to follow it in some situations is if you are counting cards and the count is telling you to deviate from the basic strategy.

The house has an advantage over the player even with perfect basic strategy. You can’t afford to lose any more of that edge. Following the chart by heart should always be your main priority if you want to stand a chance against the dealer.

The blackjack rules at the casino are not always the same

Remember that blackjack can be played with multiple decks, ranging from 1 to 8, and there are other rules like “dealer stands on soft 17” that can influence the odds and the outcome.

While the chart doesn’t change that much, you need to know the different rules that apply to the particular blackjack game and determine if you’re playing the right way.

Learn the chart by heart

When you’re just getting started, it is a good idea to check the chart all the time. This is even easier to do if you’re playing blackjack online.

But, if you’re serious about winning, you need to memorize it. 

Blackjack is not just about “optimal play” 

You need to consider other advanced strategies and variables during a gambling session.

Generally speaking, you won’t have enough time to check your blackjack strategy card and keep the running count or calculate how many betting units to wager, especially in an online casino environment. 

Of course, it’s not a problem if you verify the chart from time to time until you know it by heart, but it should be a priority if you want to take your skills to the next level.

The basic strategy alone does not guarantee wins

Most new players download the strategy chart and use it in the casino right away. 

Some of them immediately notice an improvement in their win rate. Still, there will always be others that won’t succeed on their first attempt.

So, does that mean the blackjack basic strategy doesn’t work?

Not at all.

It is a mathematically proven formula tested with hundreds of thousands of hands. It can bring the player a slightly better advantage than just playing blackjack as a game of chance, but it is not a foolproof method of beating the house. 


Optimal play can only lower the house edge to around 0.5%. That is great for beginners, but it is not sustainable for long-term profit. To truly get an advantage over the house, you need to master advanced strategies like card counting and betting deviations.

Don’t worry about the complexity of the chart

Many newbies wonder, “Why are blackjack charts so complicated?”

We’ve all been there - searching for a better way to play blackjack and coming across a complex chart with several rows, columns, and letters. 

At first glance, the chart seems too complicated, even a little scary. 

However, it will become clear once you understand that:

  • the top row represents the dealer’s upcard;
  • the left column is your hand value;
  • the letters are the decisions(stand, hit, double, split) based on where your hand and the dealer’s upcard intersect.


The chart is not complicated, but it is complex for a beginner. If you’re serious about learning how to play blackjack, you need to memorize the chart and apply it no matter how stressful your environment is.

How to Use the Blackjack Chart

The blackjack chart is easy to understand if you keep in mind the basics:

  • The leftmost column shows the values ​of your hand (this number will increase as you hit, of course).
  • The top row of the table represents the values of the upcards.
  • The table tells you what decision to take for each combination of player hands and dealer upcards.
Hard Totals
Dealer Upcard
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
17 S S S S S S S S S S
16 S S S S S H H H H H
15 S S S S S H H H H H
14 S S S S S H H H H H
13 S S S S S H H H H H
12 H H S S S H H H H H
11 D D D D D D D D D D
10 D D D D D D D D H H
9 H D D D D H H H H H
8 H H H H H H H H H H
KEY H = Hit
S = Stand
D = Double if allowed, otherwise hit


Soft Totals
Dealer Upcard
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
A,9 S S S S S S S S S S
A,8 S S S S Ds S S S S S
A,7 Ds Ds Ds Ds Ds S S H H H
A,6 H D D D D H H H H H
A,5 H H D D D H H H H H
A,4 H H D D D H H H H H
A,3 H H H D D H H H H H
A,2 H H H D D H H H H H
KEY H = Hit
S = Stand
D = Double if allowed, otherwise hit
Ds = Double if allowed, otherwise stand


Pair Splitting
Dealer Upcard
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
9,9 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N
8,8 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
7,7 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N
6,6 YN Y Y Y Y N N N N N
5,5 N N N N N N N N N N
4,4 N N N YN YN N N N N N
3,3 YN YN Y Y Y Y N N N N
3,3 YN YN Y Y Y Y N N N N
KEY N = Don't split the pair
YN = Split if "Double after split (DAS)" is offered, otherwise do no split
Y = Split the pair

For example

If the dealer has an 8, and you have two cards totaling 10, you must double your bet.

If you have a pair of fours (4, 4) and the dealer has a 10, you must hit.

This is how you can make your decisions using the chart.

Whenever you hit an additional card, you need to check the basic blackjack strategy chart to make your next decision based on your new hand total.

Do you play in an online casino? You can open the chart in a separate window or use a different device to have it open at all times. 

Player Order of Decisions in Basic Blackjack Strategy

Whenever you play blackjack, there is a particular “order of operations” that you must follow to ensure that you use the strategy at full potential.

Every time it’s your turn to make a decision, ask yourself if you can/should:


Since surrender is only available before you hit additional cards, it is the first decision that you should consider when you play your hand (if it’s available, of course)


This option is only available if you have a pair. This decision comes second because you won’t be allowed to split the pair after you hit a card, so you have to decide early.

Double Down

Doubling down when following basic strategy essentially means you have the highest odds of winning the round. Before you make your hit-or-stand decisions, you need to ensure that doubling down is not required by the chart.

Hit or Stand

Once you’ve ruled out all the other decisions available, you can finally check if the optimal play requires you to hit or stand.

Consult the flowchart below for a more visual way to understand the order of decisions in blackjack.

blackjack basic strategy flowchart

The Blackjack Strategy Chart in Plain English

For many people, reading the blackjack chart as a set of simple phrases makes it easier to remember.

Once you memorize the 23 phrases below, you will master the skill of reciting the decision based on your hand value and the dealer’s upcard (more on that later).

Use the following sentences as a mental shortcut to remember the basic strategy chart more quickly.


Surrender is a decision that is sometimes available right after the cards are dealt. It allows you to cash out half your bet before the dealer plays their hand. It can be helpful in some situations.

  • On 16, you surrender against the dealer’s upcard between 9 and Ace. Otherwise, you play your hand according to the chart.
  • On 15, you surrender against the dealer’s 10. Otherwise, you play your hand.


You can split a pair into two separate hands in blackjack by matching your bet. This decision can double your profit during a round if played correctly.

  • Always split Aces;
  • Never split tens;
  • You split a pair of 9s on the dealer’s upcard between 2 and 9 (except 7). Otherwise, you stand;
  • Always split 8s;
  • Split 7s when the dealer’s upcard is between 2 to 7; otherwise, you hit;
  • Split 6s when the dealer’s upcard is between 2 to 6; otherwise, you hit;
  • Double down a pair of 5s when the dealer’s upcard is 5 or 6; otherwise, you hit;
  • Split 4s when the dealer has a 5 or 6; otherwise, you hit;
  • Split a pair of 3s of 2s when the dealer’s upcard is between 2 and 7; otherwise, you hit;

Soft totals

Soft totals represent any hands that include an ace as one of the first two cards you get dealt. The value of the soft total counts the Ace as 11 (e.g., Soft 17)

  • Always stand on Soft 20 (A,9)
  • On Soft 19 (A,8), you double down if the dealer’s upcard is 6. Otherwise, you stand;
  • On Soft 18 (A,7), you double down if the dealer’s upcard is between 2 and 6. You hit if it is between 9 and Ace. Otherwise, you stand;
  • On Soft 17 (A,6), you double down if the dealer’s upcard is between. Otherwise, you hit;
  • On Soft 16 (A,5) and Soft 15 (A,4), you double down if the dealer’s upcard is between 4 and 6; otherwise, you hit;
  • On Soft 14 (A,3) and Soft 13 (A,2), you double down if the dealer’s upcard is 5 or 6. Otherwise, you hit.

Hard totals

Hard totals are hands that don’t have an Ace in the first two cards or were dealt an Ace that can only be counted as 1 (e.g., if you get dealt 10 and 5, and the next card you hit is an Ace, your hard total is 16 points).

  • Always stand on 17 or above
  • You stand on hands 16 to 13 if the dealer’s upcard is between 2 and 6. Otherwise, you hit.
  • On 12, you always stand if the dealer’s upcard is between 4 and 6. Otherwise, you hit;
  • Always double down on 11
  • On 10, you double down if the dealer shows a card between 2 and 9; otherwise, you hit;
  • On 9, you double down if the dealer shows a card between 3 and 6. Otherwise, you hit;
  • Always hit 8


If you’re entirely new to blackjack, some of the terms above may still be unclear. You can check out our blackjack guides library to learn all the secrets behind beating the dealer. 

How to quickly memorize the Blackjack Basic Strategy 

The secret behind optimal play is to know every possible hand scenario in the blackjack cheat sheet by heart.

The reason is simple - in an actual game situation, you won´t always have time to check the blackjack chart.

As a beginner, memorizing the perfect blackjack strategy may sound like a daunting task. 

Based on our research and experience, we have found some shortcuts that will help you memorize the chart quickly:

Learn how to recite the chart out loud 

The first thing you need to do is memorize the basic strategy rules as plain sentences (as outlined above).

Now, you need to repeat phrases like “Always stand on 17”, and “Never split 10s” out loud until you learn them by heart. 

This way, you will be able to make quicker decisions at the table without thinking twice.

Master reciting the chart one row at a time

Once you can recite the chart in phrases, try to learn it row by row.

For instance, if you would start with hard totals, you should repeat it like this:

  • Always stand on 17 or above;
  • From 16 to 13, you always stand when the dealer’s upcard is between 2 and 6 and hit when the dealer’s upcard is 7 to Ace;
  • On 12, you always stand if the dealer shows a 4,5 or 6 and hit otherwise;
  • Always double down on 11;
  • On 10, you double down if the dealer shows a card between 2 and 9 and hit if he has a 10 or Ace;
  • On 9, you double down if the dealer shows a card between 3 and 6 and hit otherwise;
  • Always hit on 8;

And so on.

You will know you truly memorized the blackjack chart when you can repeat any decision based on your hand value and the dealer’s up card.

Use a Blackjack Trainer

Although you can save the blackjack strategy chart and check it all the time with ease, there are cases where that could not be enough for you to memorize. 

Therefore, we recommend searching online for a blackjack trainer and using it to improve your memory. Using this specialized tool will allow you to keep track of your mistakes and determine if you are making the right decision.

The main advantage of using a trainer is obvious - when playing a regular blackjack game (even in demo mode), you won´t know precisely if you chose the right option. 

Training for a few hours every day will help you remember the optimal play options every time.

Practice Perfect Blackjack Strategy in a Casino

In blackjack, the saying ¨Practice makes perfect¨ is a general truth.

While most of you probably won´t find learning the basic blackjack strategy as exciting as other advanced gameplay tactics like counting cards. 

We agree that optimal play is not the most fun thing to learn. 

However, once master the blackjack chart, you will focus a lot better on essential strategies that can increase your win rate to the maximum. 


We suggest practicing your optimal play skills in a real money blackjack online casino. If you´re not yet ready to commit any cash from your pocket, don’t worry! You can still train your skills for free in demo mode.

The bottom line

There you have it - the complete guide to blackjack basic strategy.

We hope that you are now ready to take your gameplay to the next level and that you have a better understanding of how to use the blackjack chart to your advantage.

Of course, memorizing every rule won’t be easy at first.

However, you can always download the chart or keep it open in a separate window and train your skills in demo mode, or even for real money if you feel confident enough in your skills.

Have fun, and good luck beating the dealer!

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Vlad Mihalache

Vlad Mihalache

Online Gambling and Slots Specialist

About Vlad Mihalache

  • Experienced content strategist and editor with a track record of over 6 years in the iGaming sector;
  • Renowned online gambling professional with a repertoire of over 2500 articles written and reviewed;
  • Expert in blackjack strategies, slots, and the impact of gambling addiction;
  • Committed advocate for responsible gambling with an in-depth understanding of gambling trends and addiction management.

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